Different International Cooperation Programs have directly benefited undergraduate students, such as:
UNIBRAL Program: currently deactivated, the program was implemented by Capes in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and aimed at supporting partnership projects between Brazilian and German universities to promote the exchange of undergraduate teachers and students.
Website: http://www.capes.gov.br/cooperacaointernacional/alemanha/unibral
Unicentro participation: cooperation with University of Applied Forest Sciences Rottenburg.
International Licentiate Program – Portugal (PLI): implemented by Capes, the program supports projects for double degree of undergraduate students in the areas of Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Portuguese in the scope of the International Licentiate Program – Portugal (PLI), in order to promote and stimulate teacher education of basic education in Brazil.
Website: http://www.capes.gov.br/cooperacaointernacional/multinacional/licenciaturas-internacionais/licenciaturasinternacionais-portugal
Unicentro participation: cooperation with Universidade de Coimbra and Universidade do Porto.
BRAFAGRI Program: implemented by Capes, the program supports cooperation projects of undergraduate programs between Brazilian and French universities in the fields of agronomic sciences, agrifood and veterinary scienses. Its objective is to foster the exchange in both countries, and to stimulate the approach of curricular structures, including the equivalence and mutual recognition of credits obtained in participating institutions.
Website: http://www.capes.gov.br/cooperacao-internacional/franca/capesbrafagri
Unicentro participation: in a joint proposal with UNESP (Botucatu Campus – Faculty of Agronomic Sciences) and UESC (Santa Cruz State University), activities have been developed in cooperation with three French institutions: VetAgro Sup, Bordeaux Sciences Agro – Institute of Agricultural Sciences and ISARA-Lyon.
Zicosur Mobility Program: with funding of the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the Parana State (SETI/PR), the program has made it possible to carry out short-term mobility (both incoming and outgoing) for students, faculty and staff at universities in Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia.
Website: https://zicosur.wordpress.com/mobilidade/
Exchange Program for Undergraduate Students (PEC-G): created in 1964, the program is administered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), through the Division of Educational Issues (DCE), and by the Ministry of Education (MEC), in partnership with Higher Education Institutions throughout the country. It is offered vacancies for graduation courses in Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (IES) to students from developing countries with which Brazil maintains educational, cultural or scientific and technological agreements.
Website: http://www.dce.mre.gov.br/PEC/PECG.php
Unicentro participation: the institution has already received three international students through the PEC-G. One is from Guinea-Bissau, which completed the Undergraduate Program in Accounting Sciences. The others are respectively from Benin and Cape Verde, and they are attending a Undergraduate Program in Nutrition.
Brazil-Colombia Exchange Program (BRACOL): managed by the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) in cooperation with the Colombian Association of Universities (ASCUN), the program allows the exchange of undergraduate students between participating universities, so that Brazilian students develop part of their studies in an institution Colombian students, and Colombian students develop part of their studies in a Brazilian institution.
Website: http://www.grupocoimbra.org.br/Programas/PaginaProgramas.aspx?programaID=13
Unicentro participation: students have already been exchanged with the following Colombian universities: Universidad de Manizales (UManizales), Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN), Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC), Universidad Catolica de Manizales (UCM) e Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud (FUCS).
Ibero-American Scholarships Program: financed by Banco Santander, through the Santander Universities Program. Scholarships of three thousand euros are awarded for undergraduate students to make mobility during a semester in an institution that is part of their university.
Website: https://www.santander.com.br/universidades
Unicentro participation: mobilities were held the following universities: Universidad Veracruzana (México), Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Universidade do Algarve (Portugal) e Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero (Argentina).
Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP): funded by the Canadian government that grants scholarships for undergraduate students from institutions affiliated with Canadian universities to be able to carry out semester mobility in Canada.
Website: http://www.scholarships-bourses.gc.ca/scholarshipsbourses/can/institutions/elap-pfla.aspx?lang=eng
Unicentro participation: cooperation with University of Saskatchewan and Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières and Lakehead University.