In the last decade, international actions at Unicentro have a considerable growth, stimulated by the institutional expansion: a 418% increase in the number of teachers; a 326% increase in the number of research projects; an increase of 466%  in research projects with financial support (only in the last 5 years); an increase of 108% in extension projects, a 212% increase of the investments by development agencies in the university’s outreach programs; and creation of 23 postgraduate programs, including 17 Master and 6 Doctoral degrees.

As these numbers successivelly increased, Unicentro expanded its expertise, allowing the university to submit to calls for proposals by governmental institutions, such as the Agency for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the Ministry of Education (MEC), the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCTIC), and also agencies from the State of Parana as, for instance, the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Higher Education (SETI) and the Araucária Foundation for Support of the Scientific and Technological Development of the State of Parana.

Through these calls, Unicentro has participated in different International Cooperation Programs.