The HIDROGEOmorphology research group – HIDROGEO aims to:

  1. integrate researcher and student, confident in academic and technical training in Geography and related areas;
  2. Generate knowledge in Hydrology, Geomorphology, Biogeography, Climatology and actions that promote the rational use of soil and water within drainage basins;
  3. deepen knowledge about the dynamics of subtropical ecological landscapes.

The Group began its activities in 2002, based on investigations that supported the elaboration of the Management and Management Plan for the Rio das Pedras , Guarapuava, PR. As of 2005, the group expanded its research and scientific consolidation actions, proven by:

  1. approval of projects in development agencies;
  2. international impact publications;
  3. establishment of Laboratories of: Geographic Hydrology and Climatology;
  4. surveys with foreign partners.