The Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Forest Sciences at the Midwestern Parana State University, Unicentro, has the main objective of offering scientific and technological knowledge to qualify highly trained human resources in order to act in teaching, research, and as professionals in the labor market, contributing to produce and disseminate knowledge and social development in the state of Paraná and Brazil.

The specific objectives are to:

  1. Offer adequate technical and scientific knowledge to students, enabling excellent qualification for the labor market, promote the development of teaching, basic, applied and innovative research expertise, as well as to position excellent professionals in the market;
  2. Expand Unicentro’s contribution in the areas of teaching and research, training excellent human resources, and generating technology for application in Brazilian society;
  3. Contribute to filling the knowledge of the teaching structure, making them able to promote new research and create research lines; and
  4. Contribute to regional and national development through knowledge and technology transfers to improve the quality of life of Brazilian society.