Level: Master’s and Academic Doctorate.

Area of Concentration: Interfaces between Language and Literature
Periodicity of Selection: Annual
Course Concept by CAPES: Concept 5

Total number of vacancies
Vacancies per Selection: 25 for M.A. and 15 for PhD.


General Objectives

  • To deepen the integration of graduate and undergraduate programs, by means of the dynamization of scientific initiation projects, supervised by the course’s effective doctors, and to implement the transdisciplinary character in the molds of graduation programs, seeking to integrate academic activities, having in mind a culture of research, necessary for the development, production, and interlocution of knowledge, inside and outside the University.
  • To act, as a graduate program, as a reference center in studies that prioritize the interface between Language and Literature, aiming to highlight language as inherent to all areas and subjects.


Specific Objectives

  • To train teacher-researchers to work in higher education, qualifying the scientific-pedagogical practice of professionals who work in the area of Languages and related areas;
  • To qualify researchers in the scope of linguistic and literary studies, providing them with the discussion, the deepening, and the renewal of the theoretical and methodological assumptions that support the research work that contemplates the interface between Language and Literature, giving special relevance to memory, culture, and languages, attending the diversity of the midwest region of Paraná, Brazil;
  • To advance in actions, with a prospective character, of social-community, cultural and memorial intervention, especially, in the area covered by the Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, aiming at the formation of conscious individuals, critical and aesthetically sensitive to ethnic differences;
  • To invest in the formation of professionals qualified for research and social and cultural practice, being able to contribute to the production of science that contemplates the interfaces within the specificities of the area of Language and Literature;
  • To operate methodologies and concepts related to linguistic and literary studies, in which language functions in different languages and communication situations.


Profile of the professional to be graduated

The Graduate Program in Language and Literature at Unicentro aims to train research teachers to work in higher education, with qualified research in the scientific-pedagogical field of Literature, Language and Literature interfaces. The graduate must be able to evidence the relations between these two fields of knowledge, prioritizing the mediations, articulations, and adherences between the research lines “Text, Memory, Culture” and “Languages, Reading, Interpretation”. In summary, the graduate should have:

– the capacity to reflect on concrete issues arising from the reality in their area of work, in the case of the midwest region of Paraná, to be sensitive to the differences between the language, culture, and languages of the ethnic groups and immigrant currents that make up the region;

– the scientific attitude inherent to an autonomous, critical, and reflective researcher who goes beyond the disciplinary boundaries and focuses on the interfaces between language and literature;

– ability to act in the transformation of society through scientific discourse, resulting in effective practices that have an impact on social relations, promoting humanistic, cultural, and economic growth;

– knowledge of information technologies capable of promoting scientific innovation in the scope of the humanities, acting as a leader in its region of coverage.

Total credits for the degree

Master’s degree

(Each credit unit corresponds to 15 (fifteen) lesson-hours)
The Master’s in Language and Literature course has a total of 28 credits, divided as follows
8 credits of compulsory subjects
16 credits of elective* courses
4 credits of thesis seminars I and II
Supervised teaching (mandatory for scholarship holders)
12 hours of complementary activities**


The total number of credits in the Doctorate course is 48 credits, distributed as follows
16 credits – Compulsory subjects
24 credits – Elective courses and Advanced Topics
8 credits – Dissertation seminars I, II, III and IV
Supervised teaching (mandatory for scholarship holders)
30 hours – Complementary activities**

*Regular students may take up to eight credits in another graduate program, after approval by their supervisor and approval by the Collegiate, according to the Program’s Regulation.

** Complementary activities are academic-scientific-cultural actions relevant to the formation of the graduate student in Literature, developed during the course, between the period of enrollment and the qualification period, as established in NORMATIVE INSTRUCTION No. 002/2013 – PPGL/UNICENTRO.

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